Funny butterfly wings cropped top in blue or pink color. This backless top is ulzzang fashion from Korea
Color:Pink,Yellow,Pink Purple,Blue
Asian Sizes / Tallas Asicas:
S: Bust 37cm Length 29cm
M: Bust 39cm Length 29.5cm
L: Bust 41cm Length 30cm
Please check the measurement carefully. Because of different producing batches, there may be differences of about 2 cm. Attention, the colors shown in photography maybe do not correspond 100% with the original,it can be variations, and also in textures,you have to take this into consideration.
It is Asia size,please don't choose it as a US/EU/UK/AU size, it is smaller than US/EU/UK/AU size
Por favor revisa las medidas yte para asegurarte. Puede haber inexact